
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Does My College Research Papers Having to Be First Author?

Does My College Research Papers Having to Be First Author?Before doing my college research papers, I need to remember that there are a few things I must consider when doing it. One of the things I must remember is that my college research papers must be first author papers.People say that they will not accept your paper on their due date if you do not have a first author. Actually, it's not true. It is possible to submit a paper to several journals and authors will not deny you if you request for their permission.However, you should not worry too much about this matter because you're well aware that there are a lot of people who would want to submit their paper first. Therefore, you can put it aside as a 'nothing to worry about' problem. Anyway, we're not here to discuss why we should be first author but rather what you should do if you are.The first thing you must consider when you decide to submit your research papers for publication is that you must make sure that the journal acce pts you as the first author. Most professional journals allow first author papers only. If you don't know how to do it or if you've read the wrong instructions or articles, then it's better to consult a professional who knows the issue and can help you in this matter.You should also make sure that you declare your authorship on your paper. Some journals require the author to be named or a 'first author' to be declared at the very beginning of the paper. Nevertheless, some papers will accept first author papers without mentioning it.After submitting your paper, you should always check if it has been accepted by the journal you submitted it to and see if it has been accepted or rejected. If the journal did not accept it, then you can choose another journal to submit it to.Furthermore, you should also ensure that you do not repeat the paper if you do not agree with the results obtained. You shouldn't write more than one paper in a single semester, since it may become hard to maintain s uch a pattern especially if you write more than one paper per week.

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