Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Project and Programme Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project and Programme Management - Essay ExampleFor Huangh, CRM must man all of ths things and mor for th projct stratgy to rally work. Many outcomes must b forsn. On solution is to us CRM to bolstr th company intrnally. Anothr solution is to us Customr Rlationship Managmnt to markt mor ffctivly and rach th clint bttr. Whn customr rlationship managmnt CRM) cam on th scn approximatly six yar ago, som viwd it with skpticism and primarily saw it as a way to r five rathr than rinvnt markting. Mor progrssiv marktrs adoptd th CRM tchniqus of salt away all consumr and markt data into a cntralizd databas and usd data mining to mor narrowly dfin targt audincs basd on charactristics rathr than gnral dmographics (Paddison, 2004). Yt anothr solution could focus mor on th managmnt of th company than th clint, and highlight managmnt having a working knowldg of markting. and bing abl to work with marktrs and consultants in a proactiv mannr that rflcts th xtrnal dynamism of th IT and communication s markt. ... Work with somon from your markting or planning dpartmnt to dvlop a sris of qustions that will dtrmin th baslin financial savvy of your dpartmnt hads. Thn conduct on or two focus groups with a rprsntativ cross sction A ky goal of th focus group should b dtrmining how wll your managrs undrstand th rports thy rciv (Macvicuiat, 2001). Ths solutions fire work in both long-trm and short-trm formats to hlp th company rmain comptitiv. In trms of applying CRM to th currnt prcivd instability and constraint in th conomy, it is bttr to cull support from th mor cagey sid of CRM dmonstratd, as on sourc stats that it should b applid only to procsss vital to a companys comptitivnss (Rigby and Ldingham, 2004). It is important to also kp in mind cautionary xampls of what can happn in CRM systms whn mismanagmnt and othr obstacls ar prsntd to givn an ovrall holistic application of CRM IT systms, or, for that mattr, intrnational xpansion in gnral. In cass lik ths, workload is incrasd in a way that is infficint to th company. In a comptitiv businss nvironmnt, this dos not hlp th customr in th long run in this cas xampl. Also, if a company dos not rspct intrnal host culturs, thr is th abovmntiond risk of th host cultur prciving th company to b yt anothr arrogant outsidr. Huangh can mak strids in functionality of CRM, in trms of kping up with and intgrating
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